Conservation is a continually varying process that must adapt and react to not just local conditions but to regional and even international ones in many cases. And, since most human populations are inextricably intertwined with nature to varying degrees or even just interested in it, they can greatly impact it in both positive and negative ways. As such, conservation-related topics are regularly featured in the news and on social media, and can be hotly contested at times.
This section will feature current issues. Fresh tracks to be discussed and discerned, to help identify what the true facts of the matter are versus what are simply opinions based upon non-factual stances. Opinions that can be very misleading or even manipulative, tragically resulting in detracting from legitimate conservation efforts. The goal of this feature will be to not only illustrate why some people are barking up the wrong tree when it comes to decreeing what the true threats to nature are, but to also give credit where credit is due, when real problems are being presented and addressed.
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