Writing Samples

Here you can find all of my blog articles written for the Hank's Voice website, as well as links to other publications my work has been featured in.

Featured Articles

Spotty Information: The Chasm Between Delusion and Reality


Pachyderms (and Paradise) Lost


Patrolling Smarter, Not Just Harder


The Decimation of Tanzania's Acacia Forests


Skinny Tracks, Wide Impacts


Enforcement and Engagement: Robin Hurt Safaris


The Conservation Imperative


Eating Til it's All Gone???


Standing Too Close to the Elephant – The Amboseli Smoke and Mirrors Show


Blog Articles

an african poacher carrying freshly butchered animal for bushmeat
By Karen Seginak March 6, 2024
On 25 January 2024, the Belgian Parliament voted to prohibit the importation of legally obtained hunting trophies from threatened and endangered species, claiming some of them could be further imperiled unless trade is limited.
a bunch of pencils in a jar with a deer on a pillow in the background
By Karen Seginak January 29, 2024
Recently, in a conversation with a friend, I expressed my sincere disappointment in not feeling like writing anymore, hoping to find some magical inspiration. Her response was – why not write about why you haven’t been writing? An excellent suggestion!
a black and white photo of an elephant 's trunk and tusks .
By Hanks Voice January 5, 2024
January 2020. My pickup truck headlights illuminated a mostly solid blanket of fresh snow, highway lines only partially visible in the wind-scoured areas between the drifts. At 2:30AM, most North Dakotans were sleeping. Yet there I was, four wheel drive mandatorily engaged, post blizzard, enroute to the airport to my first ever Dallas Safari Club (DSC) Convention.
water buffalo
By Hank's Voice December 2, 2022
Africa faces many conservation challenges, all requiring honesty and pragmatism to solve. A completely unjustified, shamefully damaging, and wastefully distracting challenge, however, is disinformation campaigns, like the one some members of the UK Parliament are currently engaging in via the proposed Private Members’ Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill.
Don't send in the clowns
By Karen Seginak September 29, 2022
As a writer, I recognize the utility of analogies. As a photographer, I am very aware of the importance of focus. But as a conservationist, I am dismayed when people use the former incorrectly in manipulative manners, and the latter at focal lengths fixed no further than their own interests, in misguided attempts to blur, distort and misrepresent reality.
rhino populations in Africa are being decimated due to habitat loss
By Hank's Voice September 22, 2022
World Rhino Day, on September 22, was created to increase awareness about these unique and beleaguered creatures, whose futures are uncertain.
Elephant tusk
By Hank's Voice May 9, 2022
In April 2022, a photo of a legally hunted elephant that was posted on a private Instagram account was leaked into the public domain, quickly went viral, and caused a global stir.
Zebras living in African grasslands
By Hank's Voice March 27, 2022
There is, unfortunately, a confusing array of definitions of the word conservation. At its most basic level, it can be described as a wise and careful utilization of any resource.
Roaring lion in the jungle
By Hank's Voice June 22, 2021
An ugly part of Connecticut's past occurred in the mid-1600's, when the infamous Connecticut Witch Trials took place. People were wrongfully convicted by prosecutorial tribunals who were certain that misguided, manufactured hysteria, conjured up accusations, and hateful, persecutory public pressure was true.
Lichtenstein's hartebeest dwell in southeastern Africa
By Hank's Voice March 24, 2021
Lichtenstein's hartebeest, kongoni in Swahili. A characteristic miombo antelope, with a uniquely odd appearance and heart-shaped horns. I find them inexplicably quite appealing, and am particularly fond of this photo I captured of two of them one fine morning in Piti Game Reserve, in Tanzania.
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